Beautiful Loose Up-Do Tutorial

Beautiful Loose Up-Do Tutorial

How To Style :
  • Step 1 : This first look starts with a ponytail at the back of the head, leaving out some hair from the sides and back.
  • Step 2 : Reach through the top of the base of the ponytail, grab the ends and pull it through to create the topsy tail.
  • Step 3 : Make two smaller ponytails below and to the side of the first, including the hair from the first ponytail, but still leaving a bit out at the nape.
  • Step 4 : Topsy tail them! Then make a ponytail with the remainder of the hair at the nape, and topsy tail it.
  • Step 5 : Tuck the ends of the final ponytail under and gently pin them into place.
  • Step 6 : Loosen up the look by gently pulling it apart a bit. Secure with hairspray and add a flower or jewel to garnish if you wish.

Source : DIY Wedding Hair Tutorial: A Beautifully Loose Updo