How To Get Galaxy Nails Using a Sponge

How To Get Galaxy Nails Using a Sponge

How To :
  • Step 1 : Using a dark shade, preferably a deep blue or black, apply one or two coats of nail polish on top of your base coat to serve as the base color of your space design. Then sponge on your first layer of light color (we used a pale green) in thin layers and allow to dry. This serves as a starting highlight in the background of your nebula.
  • Step 2 : Use a sponge to lightly dab a thin layer of a bright color onto the base of your nebula. Wait one to two minutes between each application so that the colors can dry. Repeat process with as many colors as you want.
  • Step 3 : Add stars by applying one or two coats of a glitter polish on top of your design. We suggest using a nail polish that contains different size glitter to give the illusion of dimension and distance. Then apply a top coat and you’re ready to blast off!


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